Satelit Mengudara, Indonesia Berjaya

Sumber: Kompas Oleh ALBERTUS KRISNA 7 Mei 2019 06:00 WIB   Sejak satelit Lapan A2 diluncurkan pada 2015, tonggak sejarah Indonesia dalam kemandirian teknologi antariksa dimulai. Ke depan, teknologi satelit semakin berperan penting untuk berbagai bidang, seperti pertanian, perikanan, pertahanan, dan pencarian korban bencana. Satelit Lapan A2/Orari merupakan salah satu…

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Direct Hit After a Long Wait: Solar Storm Forecast 05-09-2019

TamithaSkov Published on May 9, 2019 This forecast generously sponsored by: 3ric Johanson: Our Sun kicks things into high gear with two monster bright regions rotate into Earth view. They have been rapid firing solar storms and solar flares over the past week and finally one has been launched…

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Amateur radio club lends a hand to fire fighters

Source: The Borneo Post MIRI: Miri Amateur Radio Club has joined the battle to douse the stubborn peat fire near the Malaysia-Brunei border by contributing their communication equipment and frequency to Fire and Rescue (Bomba) personnel to overcome communication woes with their operation centre. The radios and repeater station was…

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Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Set for May 11

ARRL News – Annual Armed Forces Day Crossband Test Set for May 11 Source: The Army Military Auxiliary Radio System (MARS) will host the traditional military/Amateur Radio communication tests to mark the 68th annual Armed Forces Day (AFD) on Saturday, May 11. The event is open to all radio…

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